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How COVID-19 Exposed the Inequality of Social Justice in the US


Coronavirus has surely affected every single individual in the world but the effect is not the same for everyone. COVID-19 is considered as a great equalizer as the sickness and death do not honor power and authorization, but it has exposed the inequality of social justice in the United States. The deadly virus has caused high deaths mainly in poverty-stricken and crowded regions. The reports have already given proof of the Coronavirus spread specifically on the low-income houses and among black Americans.

The spread of COVID-19 eruption in the United States has now given a clear vision of the diversity of social justice and has led the susceptible communities to face the impact of the COVID-10 crisis. The elemental inequalities are now uncovered in this challenging period and have become a great matter of concern.

Unfortunately, the deadly virus does not differentiate based on wealth; the poor citizens are affected the most. Why so? This is because of their indelible isolation to income and race and they have to pay high medical expenses. The current data analyzation has recorded more fatality rates into the low-community rates and the economical sufferings. The minority of groups who have been identified based on race, gender is more likely to be noticeable to this crisis exposure. The inequality of social justice to low-income communities is allowing the crisis to give them a hard hit.

The remote work, which now has become a work culture due to the situation, is not possible in the low-income fields. However, there is not any paid sick leave or insurance being provided to the employees by the majority in the United States. It has been witnessed that the low-income community has a higher exposure to sustained health conditions which increases their chances of getting affected by Coronavirus.

The inequality of social justice in the US is somehow linked to the division in terms of income and wealth of the communities. And due to the lack of resources for the poor, they are unable to fight against the situation and got infected at high rates. The obligation of the government to providing them required food and nutrition, social security, and a standard of living can’t be witnessed in any case, and the COVID-19 period has disclosed this on a clear note. The lack of living wage and unaffordable housing leads to more exposure and transmission of the virus.

The laws or acts passed by representatives of the United States depict the responsibility of addressing the effects of COVD-19 and providing the appropriate safety to the people in this tough time.

The currents studies have shared the inordinate suffering share in the United States. As discussed above, the race or gender discriminated communities are not provided the medical care or work from home facilities, which led them to suffer the worse during this crisis. Such kind of unequal impact of Coronavirus has represented a clear picture of racial inequality that still exists in the United States. Apart from the clear picture of interconnected things, the current situation is revealing the different living conditions in which American citizens are living, which are unethical within the United States.


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